iNZightVIT Mailing Lists

To keep up-to-date with iNZight, and follow discussions about certain features or issues, you are welcome to join one or more of our mailing lists.

We have three mailing lists, each targeting a different group/platform. You are invited to subscribe to any or all of them:

  • iNZight-General
    Contains general news about iNZight and VIT, including new release announcements. This list is expected to be more technically focused and include discussion of more advanced features of the programs.

    To contribute to the list, subscribed users can email
    Before starting a discussion, it might pay to read the archives

  • iNZight-School
    Includes announcements of updates and new releases. We are hoping that the School list will generate community discussion and community support amongst New Zealand teachers on use of iNZight and VIT in the teaching they are doing.

    To contribute to the list, subscribed users can email
    Before starting a discussion, it might pay to read the archives

  • iNZight-Online
    Announcements about our online version of iNZight will be made here, as well as provide a platform for discussions so users can support one another.

    To contribute to the list, subscribed users can email
    Before starting a discussion, it might pay to read the archives


If you no longer wish to participate in the mailing lists, you can unsubscribe using the links below: