iNZight FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

If you're having trouble with iNZight, this should be your first stop. There are some issues we know about, and offer solutions in the following pages.

  1. iNZight Lite

    A separate FAQ for iNZight Lite is found here.

  2. Download and Installation

    Can't download or open the file? Unable to start iNZight? Try here!

  3. Importing Data

    Having trouble importing your data into iNZight? We might have a solution for you.

  4. Saving changes made to your data

    How can I export data in a way the saves all the changes I have made?

  5. Graphics and Plotting Issues
  6. Time Series Module
  7. VIT: Visual Inference Tools

    Common issues with the VIT part of iNZightVIT.

Get help on Gitter — If you're on Twitter or Github, and still can't find an answer to your problem, you could try our public chat.